Florence Transportation System Plan Update

Project Information

Thank you for your interest in the Florence Transportation System Plan Update! This project will guide future investments in the City's transportation system that: serve the needs of residents, businesses, and visitors; are consistent with the community's vision; prioritize resilient transportation projects, policies, and programs; enhance a fully multi-modal transportation network; support walking and cycling to and from local schools; and are fundable and financially sustainable. Your perspectives and input about the update are important and valued.

What is a TSP?

A Transportation System Plan is a long-range planning document, shaped by community input and adopted into the Comprehensive Plan, that describes a city's transportation system and details projects, programs, and policies to meet transportation needs now and in the future. For general information on Transportation System Plans, please visit ODOT's website: ODOT TSP guidelines.

Does Florence Currently Have a Transportation System Plan?

The current City of Florence Transportation System Plan was adopted in 2012. Since that time the community has experienced several changes in development and travel patterns. Changes in state, regional, and local plans and regulations have also occurred. There has been a growing concern for tsunami and earthquake resiliency. This project will update the current TSP to reflect the changes that have occurred since 2012 and anticipate the changes that will occur in the next 20 years.

What Will be Included in the Update?

The project will update all elements of the current TSP and identify potential amendments to the Florence Comprehensive Plan, Development Code and other implementing documents. The project will include:

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Credit: City of Florence